UCSC Campus Safety
Community Advisory Board
Purpose and Scope
The Campus Safety Community Advisory Board will help to develop a shared vision for campus safety for all members of our community. The board will provide campus leadership advice on major issues pertaining to public safety, the campus police department, and other crisis support services. This committee is a venue for the broader community to provide input and influence services related to campus safety and security. The Board is welcome to advise on significant community issues, budget and program review, community outreach assistance, and modernizing campus safety policies and procedures.
As part of the 2019 University of California Policing Task Force, a systemwide recommendation was made that stated:
“Campuses shall create independent advisory boards with representatives from the campus who can facilitate and enhance communication between the police department and the greater campus community as well as work collaboratively with the departments on issues involving campus safety and security.”
UC Santa Cruz first established a police advisory board in 2014, and until 2020 this board provided advice and community input directly to the Chief of Police. To enhance the campus wide perspective and highlight the independent nature of the board, starting in July 2020 the Board will report to the Chancellor.
In 2021, the UC Office of the President released the UC Community Safety Plan that requires “Current and future campus-based task forces or working groups focused on campus safety will include broad representation of the full UC community, including historically marginalized communities.” The UCSC Campus Safety Community Advisory Board will continue to include this broad representation.
Appointment of Members
The Board is composed of a diverse group of individuals who have perspectives and experiences from across our campus community. Selected individuals should have a vested interest in improving our community and the safety of all those who live, work, and learn on our campus. The Board will create a list of shared communication agreements to guide its work together.
At a minimum, the board will consist of members that represent the following units or groups. The Board reports directly to the Chancellor and is chaired by the Chancellor’s designee.
Ex-officio members
- Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer
- Associate Vice Chancellor and Equity and Equal Protection
- Associate Vice Chancellor Risk and Safety Services
- Dean of Students
- Fire Marshal
- Police Chief (will participate in meetings as requested by Advisory Board)
Appointed members
- Academic Senate (3 members)
- Big 5 Student Groups (up to 5 seats plus alternates)
Each group named may occupy a seat on the CAB and designate an alternate to sit with the CAB and support the representative’s participation. The seated representative may notify the board that the alternate will be participating in votes on their behalf whenever needed.- Asian Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APISA)
- Bayanihan
- Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (MEChA)
- Student Alliance of North American Indians (SANAI)
- Open Student Group Seat – the BSU has a separate seat
- Black Student Union
- Campus Fellow
- CARE Office
- Colleges, Housing and Educational Services
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- College Academic Preceptor
- Employee Housing Resident Association
- Graduate Student Association
- Information and Technology Services
- Physical Plant
- Resource Center Staff
- Santa Cruz Community
- Staff Advisory Board
- Student Union Assembly
- University Library
Student representatives are appointed for one year terms. Other members are appointed to one, two, or three year terms that begin at the start of each fall quarter allowing for staggered membership and continuity. For the same reason, some members of the prior police advisory board will continue their appointments in 2022-23.
Decision Making
The committee will work to reach consensus as a group, but recognizes that full agreement is not always possible. Where consensus cannot be reached, the group will vote. In putting forward recommendations to the Chancellor, the co-chairs commit to recording the conversation and the range of perspectives related to the vote in order to preserve dissent and discussion and provide the fullest recommendation possible.
In the event of a vote, a roll call vote will be taken. Appointed members will have one vote each on matters before the advisory board. Student members will have an alternate, who can be delegated the vote by the primary student organization representative in the event that representative is not able to participate in a vote. Alternates may also participate in discussion and advise the primary representative on votes. Reports on the votes will be made by the co-chairs, and will include a full summary of discussion, including dissenting voices.
The Community Advisory Board will meet monthly, however there could be additional meetings should the circumstances warrant. Members of the board may be invited to work on subcommittees focused on specific issues that would increase the workload of this committee.
The committee represents a range of community groups each of which has different levels of institutional authority and power. Recognizing that, student representatives have the ability to at any time request a “safe space” during a meeting or as a separate meeting to discuss issues with a subset of the board.
General Responsibilities of Board Members
- Review significant UC Santa Cruz community issues and make recommendations regarding potential resolutions
- Assist with communication and outreach
- Assist with the budget process through review and recommendations about priorities.
- Annually review and make recommendations regarding metrics and activities of the UCSC Police Department
- Produce annual written report summarizing the Board’s activities and recommendations
Appointed Members 2021-2022
Isabel Dees, Co-Chair (through March 2022), Associate Vice Chancellor, Equity and Equal Protection
Judith Estrada, Co-Chair (beginning March 2022), Executive Director for DEI and interim CDO
Marcia Ochoa, Co-Chair, Associate Professor, Feminist Studies and Oakes Provost
Anna Finn, Associate Chancellor and Chief of Staff
Anne Fosburg, Graduate Student Researcher
Appointed Members
Lawrence Andrews, Faculty Member/OP Liaison
Cynthia Lewis, Faculty Member
Ingrid Parker, Faculty Member
Tyler Kanoho, Asian Pacific Islander Student Alliance
Matt Lim, Bayanihan
Alex Galvan, Student Alliance of North American Indians
Ethan Davis, Black Student Union
Carolyn Sohn, CARE Office
Dave Keller, Colleges, Housing, and Educational Services
Gary Dunn, Counseling and Psychological Services
MaryJan Murphy, Counseling and Psychological Services
Dani Barker, Division of Student Affairs and Success
Mike Yamauchi-Gleason, Residential Staff
James Sirigotis, Graduate Student Association
Brian Hall, Information and Technology Services
Tony Cobb, Physical Plant
Jimmy Gaffney, Staff Advisory Board
Serena Campbell, Student Union Assembly
Sarah Troy, University Library
Ex-Officio Members
Mary Garcia, Interim Police Chief (will participate in meetings as requested by Advisory Board)
Judith Estrada, Executive Director for DEI and interim CDO
Isabel Dees, Associate Vice Chancellor and Equity and Equal Protection
Clement Stokes, Associate Vice Chancellor Risk and Safety Services
Garrett Naiman, Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students
Nick Otis, Fire Marshal and Director of Emergency Services
Lucy Rojas, Student Affairs and Success Divisional Office
Rojina Bozorgnia, Office of External Vice President, SUA
Appointed Members 2020-2021
Isabel Dees, Co-Chair, Associate Vice Chancellor, Equity and Equal Protection
Marcia Ochoa, Co-Chair, Associate Professor, Feminist Studies and Oakes Provost
Anna Finn, Associate Chancellor and Chief of Staff
Anne Fosburg, Graduate Student Researcher
Appointed Members
Lawrence Andrews, Associate Dean, Professor, Film and Digital Media
Dani Barker, Associate Director, College Student Life Operation & Staff Development
Jazmin Benton, Graduate Student Association (GSA)
John Brown Childs, Professor Emeritus, Sociology
Amanda Collins, Undergraduate Student, Student Alliance of North American Indians (SANAI)
Gary Dunn, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Health and Wellness
Kelsey Hoie Ferrell, CARE Director
Riana Howard, Interim Director, African American Resource and Cultural Center
Daniel Halpern-DeVries, Student Union Assembly (SUA)
Scott Herandez-Jason, Executive Director, University Communications
Jim Kari, Director, Physical Plant Services
Dave Keller, Executive Director, Housing Services and Facilities
Evin Knight, Director of Operations, Institute for Social Transformation, Staff Advisory Board
Fernando I. Leiva, Professor, Latin American and Latino Studies
MaryJan Murphy, Interim Director, Counseling and Psychological Services
Lucy Rojas, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff, Division of Student Affairs & Success
Jennifer Schiffner, Director, Employee Labor Relations
Jessica Taft, Professor, Latin American and Latino Studies
Alison Trybom Lucas, Chief of Staff, Arts Division
Sarah Troy, Director of User Services & Resource Sharing, University Library
Ileana Waddy, Undergraduate Student, Black Student Union (BSU)
Van Williams, Vice Chancellor, Information Technology Services
Ricky Yang, Undergraduate Student, Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance (APISA)
Unfilled Seats
Bayanihan, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (MEChA), Campus Fellow, College Academic Preceptor, Employee Housing Resident Association, Santa Cruz Community
Ex-Officio Members
Mary Garcia, Interim Police Chief (will participate in meetings as requested by Advisory Board)
Garrett Naiman, Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students
Nick Otis, Fire Marshal
Teresa Maria Linda Scholz, Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer
Jean Marie Scott, Associate Vice Chancellor Risk and Safety Services
Chancellor Proposed Year-One Milestones
- Develop a shared understanding of the current structure, jurisdiction and role of the UC Police Department at UCSC. This is a continuation of the 2020-21 milestones.
- Review and make recommendations on campus implementation of recommendations from the UC Community Safety Plan.
- Disseminate information and make opportunities for community stakeholder engagement with UC-wide public safety policies and campus implementation.
- Review and make recommendations based on campus-wide survey results of police-community interactions.
- Support public engagement around new and continuing initiatives that relate to campus safety.